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2 Surprising Ways To Lose Weight Fast

You want the weight to be gone yesterday and are feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the information out there… you don’t even know what to do anymore?

This is where we come in. 

The title of this article is called “2 Surprising Ways To Lose Weight Fast”...


There’s a keyword here… 



To lose weight fast, it’s probably no surprise to say that you could stop eating carbs, stop drinking all alcohol, or, do a TON of exercise… or ALL THREE!!


Chances are that you’re not reading this because those are things that sound fun to you.

You’ve heard them before and therefore, it wouldn’t be surprising…


Once you understand these 2 things, the game will change for you.

So much that you’ll wonder HOW you’re losing weight just by focusing on these 2 things.


We had a client named Amy and she came to us wanting to lose only 12 pounds…

Now that might not seem like a lot, but when you’re trying to lose the same 12 pounds for years, it feels like you’re trying to lose 50!


I KNOW because I’ve done it.


She was eating healthy, exercising, and felt like she was doing all the right things and the weight just wouldn’t come off.


She would get discouraged by not seeing any changes and just say F#%K IT.

Cue the wine and girl scout cookies!


When she came to us, we focus specifically on the 2 things that you’re about to learn and the weight just started falling off!!


12 pounds gone in 12 weeks.

Not only that…


CONFIDENCE to maintain it without starving or being miserable!!!

Talk about freedom!


And maybe the best news??

These can be applied if you want to lose 12 pounds, 20 pounds, 40 pounds, or even 100 pounds!


Surprise #1: Shift Your Focus

We get stuck in thinking about “lose weight. Lose weight. Lose weight.” and we stress about it…

Almost like we’re fighting it. 

We try to avoid avoid avoid…


Don’t eat this.

Don’t eat that.

Don’t drink this.

Don’t drink that…




You’ll get fat.


This is a trap!


What you focus on expands… so if you’re focused on “(not) getting fat” you’ll have a hard time getting lean and defined!


Start thinking about the body you WANT to be in… not the one you don’t.


I want to encourage you to think about the things that you DO want… not what you don’t.



“I’m always tired” VS. “I eat to feel energized”.

“I look gross in this shirt” VS. “I’m looking better in all my clothes each day”.

“I can’t ______ because I’m too out of shaper” VS. “I’m getting in better shape so I can ______”.


THEN… Focus on your ACTIONS that need to be done to make the second part of those examples true for you!


What are the things that you’re doing for yourself daily that will contribute to your weight loss and your feeling better about yourself?

Surprise #2: Think Small To Be Smaller

This is how you build crazy momentum…

Momentum that can’t be stopped.


Pick only a couple of things you commit to doing every day (no off days)...

One thing for fitness

One thing for nutrition

One thing for lifestyle


Fitness example: I’m going to walk for 20 minutes every day.

Nutrition example: I eat 4 servings of vegetables every day.

Lifestyle example: I read something nonfiction for 10 minutes every day.


Now how will reading for 10 minutes a day help you lose weight fast??


For one… losing weight fast usually means that you’re going to gain it back fast.

Two… Even if it takes you 6 months to lose 10 pounds and 2 years to lose 40… if you don’t ever gain it back, I’d consider that hella fast!


You’re welcome.


These things are not sexy, or flashy.

But if sexy and flashy has gotten you to where you want to be (long term), then you have my permission to throw all of this out the window.


But if you’ve been stuck, you might want to seriously consider these steps!


We’re on a mission to transform the lives of millions through the same movement, nutrition, and lifestyle habits that transformed ours.


We will do whatever it takes to provide you with quality information that will change your body and life for good… because it’s the only way.


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If you’d like to see the video that we did on this watch the YouTube Video Here!


Talk soon!

💜 Erin

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